
Parsnips, those unmistakable aromatic roots have been cultivated for hundreds of years. The flesh is very sweet and was used for its sweetness before sugar cane and sugar beet were introduced.
  • A high quality variety with very uniform, slender roots and a smooth white skin. Produces an excellent yield of the highest quality, delicious when roasted. Sow thinly about 2.5cm deep, from end of February until May. Thin to 15cm apart.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 5.50
  • Known for its blemish free smooth white skin and a refined shape. The high quality roots that accompany this hybrid when growing ensure that it is quick to establish bringing a deliciously sweet earthy flavour to your dinner plate.

    Plant your parsnip gladiator seeds directly in its harvest location. Plant in rows approximately 30cm apart. 1cm deep into the ground. Your crops can remain in the ground for a long period of time until you need them.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 5.50
  • Despite its name this Heritage variety originates in France and delivers good yields of attractive smooth white roots. This variety is referred to as 'Half Long' with broad shoulders and a shorter root making it ideal for poor shallow or stony soils.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 5.00
  • This broad shouldered short rooted variety is suitable for most soil types, even shallow soil. Good canker resistance in lots of medium length, smooth skinned, fine flavored parsnips.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 5.50

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