
Its botanical name 'Beta' comes from the Celtic 'bett' meaning 'red'. Beetroot is really a biennial, but is grown as an annual, both for its bulbous roots and leaves. It does best in well drained, fertile soils.
  • This beet is lovely and unique, alternating rings of white and bright pink. The exterior skin is a bright candy red. The tops are small, all green and have a particularly fine flavour. Fairly early and flavour is exceptionally sweet. 55 DAYS.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 5.00
  • These cylindrical-shaped beets make slicing a breeze. The smooth beets grow 6-8 in. long, and 1 1/2 to 2 “. wide & they're tender and extra juicy, even if harvest is delayed. They're a favourite for preserving and eating fresh. The tops, or greens, are edible, too, with a sweet flavour. Like other beet varieties, Forono Beet performs best in cooler temperatures and can withstand a light frost. Beet seeds can be sown in the spring for an early summer harvest or in late summer for an autumn harvest. For the best germination, soak beet seeds in lukewarm water for 24 hours prior to sowing. 60 DAYS.

    $5.00 per packet.
    NZ$ 5.50
  • Rich Ruby Queen's round, smooth-skinned beets are exceptionally tender with an earthy beet flavour. Ringless and deep red, they retain their colour when perserving or pickled. An early maturing variety, it performs in poor soils and holds its shape when crowded. Like other beet varieties, Ruby Queen prefers cooler temperatures. Beet seeds can be sown in the spring for an early summer harvest or in late summer for a fall autumn. For the best germination rate, soak beet seeds in lukewarm water for 24 hours prior to planting. 52 DAYS.

    $5.00 per packet.
    NZ$ 5.50
  • The name means "Bloody". If you do want a good traditional, deep blood-red beetroot, this is the one. Large conical roots, with intense red flesh, very juicy and sweet. This special strain from Italy is the most productive red beetroot we have found. Tender even when huge - lots of people have written in to say how much they like it. Very large conical roots. Tender, no woodiness. Deep red.

    $5.00 per packet.
    NZ$ 5.00
  • Touchstone is a fantastic, yellow, open pollinated beet that is considered the best yellow beet available today. Round, smooth, golden roots retain their colour when cooked. Good uniform shape for an open pollinated beet. Buttery, fine texture and sweet when eaten raw. Touchstone has glossy green tops.

    $5.00 per packet.
    NZ$ 6.00

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