Brussel Sprouts

Brussels sprouts, form of cabbage, belonging to the mustard family Brassicaceae. Brussels sprouts usually are eaten cooked, and the small young sprouts have a more delicate flavour than older ones. The vegetable is a good source of dietary fibre, folic acid, manganese, and vitamins A, C, and K. A seedling stage and early development, the plant closely resembles the common cabbage, but the main stem grows to a height of 60 to 90 cm, and the axillary buds along the stem develop into small heads (sprouts) similar to heads of cabbage but measuring only 25 to 40 mm in diameter. Most varieties have green sprouts, but red-leaved varieties have also been developed. Though commonly grown as annuals, Brussels sprouts are biennial plants and will produce yellow flowers with four petals if kept for two seasons. Seeds are borne in silique fruits. The plant requires a mild cool climate and is harmed by hot weather. New varieties available next season
  • Grows straight and tall, which is perfect if you're looking for a bouquet of sprouts for your dinner table. On top of that, the little buds are bright green and firm, so they hold up well after harvest. Takes 100 days to mature and the sprouts hold well.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 6.00
  • Little Gems' prolific 34'36" plants are loaded with easy-picking, gourmet-ready 1'" sprouts. Glowing green mini Brussels sprouts with golden interiors, present a flavour matrix of earthy tang, nuttiness, and buttery richness. Robust plants will put up with cold or frost, so you can continue harvesting sprouts come winter.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 6.00
  • Old-fashioned alternative to green sprouts that has a distinct nutty flavour, better than any other sprout. But been Purple Vegetable!

    With a taste sweet enough to be used raw in salads, these sprouts are also lovely steamed in the conventional way. And of course they have the added interest of being crimson red in colour.

    Per Packet
    NZ$ 6.50

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