Heirloom German Butterball Potatoes
Are medium to large in size and are round to oblong in shape, averaging 10-12 centimeters in length. The pale, smooth, yellow skin is lightly netted with shallow eyes, dark brown spots, and brown patches. The flesh is a vibrant yellow to gold and is firm, waxy, and dense. When cooked, German Butterball potatoes have a creamy and tender flesh that takes on a smooth consistency and offers a rich, buttery flavor.
Per Kilo
Are medium to large in size and are round to oblong in shape, averaging 10-12 centimeters in length. The pale, smooth, yellow skin is lightly netted with shallow eyes, dark brown spots, and brown patches. The flesh is a vibrant yellow to gold and is firm, waxy, and dense. When cooked, German Butterball potatoes have a creamy and tender flesh that takes on a smooth consistency and offers a rich, buttery flavor.
Per Kilo
NZ$ 18.00
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